Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Basic Operation of Computer

Computer is not strange anymore in this era. You can find it in houses, schools, and offices easily. Moreover, computer has become basic need for several people. 

From time to time, communication holds vital role for human life. May be, we can make it equal to basic needs like food, clothes, or home. As we know, human being is a social creature requiring other for survival. For interaction with others, human needs tools, instrument, or method of communication. Thus, anything related to communication is very significant for human life.

One of the most sifnificant equipment in communication development is computer. This device can be directly used as communication and exchanging information tools or may support other communication tools. We can send letters or make direct conversation using computer connected to networks or internet. Computer is also used for procesing data and information. Thus, it is a must for us to be capable in operating computer, both as information processor and communication tool (information exchange itself). 


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