Thursday, March 3, 2011

History of Computer

The history of computer started in 1940, namely by invention of first electronic computer on the wordl know as ABC (Atanasoff and Berry Computer) taken from names of its invertor. In the same decade, Dr. John W M. Maunchly with J. Presper Eckert, Jr., invented a kind of computer knows as ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator Anda Computer) It is made for calculating tables of bullet trajectories for US army. ENIAC was thousands faster than provious electromechanical computer, indicating a heap in computer technology. Weight of ENIAC reached 30 tons and required a room in size of 1,800 squarefeet (167m2). By total 18,000 vacuum tubes, ENIAC required great amount of electric power, reaching 174 kilowatts that there was a joke at that time "If ENIAC is turned on, all lamps in Philadelphia would turn off".

Computer invented in this time called first-generation computer. At that time, computer employed vacuum tubes as signal strengthener. The vacum tubes were made of glass that their weaknesses were fragile and easy to transfer heat. This heat was neutralized by using other component as a cooler. It was why ENIAC had sch a big size.

Impracticality of ENIAC supported scientist to develop electronic computer. Nowadays, transitor's invention has been sign for second-generation computer (1959-1964). Transistor has been a substitute for vacuum tubes for amplifying signal. Transistor has many advantages than vacuum tubes like non-fragile and non-heat conductor so that this second-generation computer had better capabilities, trustable, cheaper and as well as place saving. In 1960s, IBM introduced commercial computer using transistor and used widely, namely IBM-7090. Other second-generation computer was IBM series 1400, NCR 304, PDP-8, and Mark IV.

Several people state that 1971 was the beginning of fourth-generation computer by introducing microprocessor as integration of thousands of ICs into a chip. Its form became much smaller with increasing capability and cheaper price. Microprocessor is the beginning of PC (personal computer) invention. Microprocessor series 4004 by Intel Corp.


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