Literally, the term "computer" is derived from "compute" meaning calculate. Perhaps, in follows initial objective of creating computer, namely hoe create an adding a=machine capable to do many calculations accurately. However, during its development, this machine changes to be multipurpose machine, not only for calculating only. Computer has developed to be versatile machine that may change functions based on necessities. Sometimes, it is used as typewriter, calculator, drawing creator, song and film player, etc.
Computer means a series a group electronic machines consiting of thousands even millions of components able to cooperate and to form an order and thorough work system. This system can then be used to carry out a series of tasks automatically based on order of instructions or programs made for it. A group electronic machines means hardware of computer. Hardware can defined as physical sets equipment since it is visible, touchable, and movable. Solely relying on hardware will run the computer. Computer requires a program installed into to. This program can be in form of a operations from the computer itself or a procedure in case of processing data as previosly provided. These program are called software of a computer.
Principally, computer is only an intrument. It can be used to assist human being in finishing tasks. For working, the instrument requires program and human. Definition of human being is then knows as brain ware (human instrument). Defenition of brain ware may include people directly working by using computeras auxiliary tools and people working indirectly by using computer but receiving of computer in form of report.
Concept of hardware-software-brain ware is trinity concept inseparable one another. Firtly, human must install program to computer will star working for assisting human being solve problem and finish duties.
Principally, computer is only an intrument. It can be used to assist human being in finishing tasks. For working, the instrument requires program and human. Definition of human being is then knows as brain ware (human instrument). Defenition of brain ware may include people directly working by using computeras auxiliary tools and people working indirectly by using computer but receiving of computer in form of report.
Concept of hardware-software-brain ware is trinity concept inseparable one another. Firtly, human must install program to computer will star working for assisting human being solve problem and finish duties.
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